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SSR Images



All the parts for one octal SSR box (except the prefboard)


Underside of prefboard.  SSRs in place, control wire to each dc+, grounds wired together.


Topside of prefboard, showing SSRs and control wire.



Another view of topside of prefboard



Prefboard with power cord hot attached to each SSR.  Also the black wire from each SSR which will go to 1/2 of each receptacle.


Showing the jumper between the screws - (left image) jumper still in place, (right image) jumper out).


Partially assembled box.  SSRs visible below the receptacles.



Finished octal SSR box.

Another view of the finished octal SSR box.

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This page was last modified: 01/22/14
This Document is Copyright © 1998-2014 by David V. Fansler  All rights reserved.
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